Ask yourself, the last time that you searched for something on Google, how many pages did you view? For most people, they never leave the first page before clicking on a result. Where business is concerned, if you are not on that first page then you are losing out to your competitors.

It is estimated that around 50% of web traffic comes to your site from Google - even if visitors know your web address, many will still access your site through a search engine. It therefore stands to reason that a business looking to promote itself online should take search engine optimisation very seriously.

At React Media, we look to work within Google's guidelines to ensure you are seeing positive results. We do this by focusing on the following:

Keyword Planning

What are the search terms, or keywords, that you want your website to appear against? No website can be top of Google for everything, so it is important to focus on the right keywords for your business.

Competitor Analysis

Bear in mind that your competitors will also want to be on the first page of Google - as such, it's worth taking into account, the competitiveness of a particular keyword. There are times when it can be more productive to focus on a less competitive keyword, but which ensures you are on the first page. We can help you make these decisions.

Content Optimisation

Google will look at the content of a particular website to help it determine where that page should feature in its search results. Having the right content for the keywords that you have chosen to focus on is essential. We can work with you to ensure that all of content is optimised correctly and tailored for the keywords you wish to appear against.


Links are an incredibly important factor in determining where your website will rank on a particular search engine. In essence, the theory is that trustworthy sites will be more likely to link to other trustworthy sites. At React Media we can help you to develop a linkbuilding strategy that is geared towards linking and connecting with websites that give your website added credibility in the eyes of the search engines.


An essential part of SEO is to carefully monitor the performance of you website and its pages. There is a mind-boggling amount of data to draw from, which is why it is important to identify suitable key performance indicators (KPIs). By analysing the data correctly, it is possible to understand what is working and what is not. That information can then be used to inform future decisions. We are able to assist you in identifying appropriate KPIs and are comfortable in producing monthly reports to demonstrate how your website is performing.